
Player Details

19:34 Sun 21/01/24 (GMT)2024/01/21 19:34 GMTHH:mm E dd/MM/yy (z)
Arcade Snooker - paulh1124 got a break of 53
18:03 Thu 21/12/23 (GMT)2023/12/21 18:03 GMTHH:mm E dd/MM/yy (z)
Arcade Snooker - paulh1124 got a break of 54
12:33 Thu 21/12/23 (GMT)2023/12/21 12:33 GMTHH:mm E dd/MM/yy (z)
Received 36 TournaPoints for reaching the Final in the Mega Points Random Tournament
21:46 Sat 25/11/23 (GMT)2023/11/25 21:46 GMTHH:mm E dd/MM/yy (z)
Received 32 TournaPoints for reaching the Final in the Carom Marathon Tournament
20:32 Sat 25/11/23 (GMT)2023/11/25 20:32 GMTHH:mm E dd/MM/yy (z)
Won the Arcade Tournament, winning 28 TournaPoints!
12:43 Sun 22/10/23 (BST)2023/10/22 11:43 GMTHH:mm E dd/MM/yy (z)
Received 60 TournaPoints for reaching the Semi Final in the Mega Points Random Tournament