
Player Details

Won Lost
oscarthecat oscarthecat
Arcade Snooker Ranked - oscarthecat (2) 64-10 (1) barryshotta (by default, barryshotta left the game)
RANKINGS: oscarthecat 665.0 (+3.4), barryshotta 721.5 (-3.4)
22:05 Wed 24/04/24 (BST)
barryshotta barryshotta
barryshotta barryshotta
Arcade Snooker Ranked - barryshotta (1) 54-47 (1) oscarthecat
RANKINGS: barryshotta 724.9 (+1.7), oscarthecat 661.6 (-1.7)
21:59 Wed 24/04/24 (BST)
oscarthecat oscarthecat
oscarthecat oscarthecat
Arcade Snooker Ranked - oscarthecat (1) 58-50 (0) barryshotta
RANKINGS: oscarthecat 663.3 (+3.4), barryshotta 723.2 (-3.4)
21:53 Wed 24/04/24 (BST)
barryshotta barryshotta
barryshotta barryshotta
Arcade Snooker Ranked - barryshotta (1) 46-28 (1) oscarthecat
RANKINGS: barryshotta 726.6 (+1.6), oscarthecat 659.9 (-1.6)
21:43 Wed 24/04/24 (BST)
oscarthecat oscarthecat
oscarthecat oscarthecat
Arcade Snooker Ranked - oscarthecat (1) 51-24 (0) barryshotta (barryshotta concedes)
RANKINGS: oscarthecat 661.5 (+3.5), barryshotta 725.0 (-3.5)
21:34 Wed 24/04/24 (BST)
barryshotta barryshotta
n0blequest n0blequest
Micro Arcade Snooker Tournament - n0blequest (1) 57-23 (0) barryshotta
RANKINGS: n0blequest 725.6 (+5.8), barryshotta 728.5 (-5.5)
21:29 Wed 24/04/24 (BST)
barryshotta barryshotta
thieyes thieyes
Arcade Snooker Ranked - thieyes (1) 19-10 (0) barryshotta (by default, barryshotta left the game)
RANKINGS: thieyes 708.5 (+3.0), barryshotta 734.0 (-3.0)
21:23 Wed 24/04/24 (BST)
barryshotta barryshotta
oconnor oconnor
Arcade Snooker Ranked - oconnor (2) 37-18 (1) barryshotta (by default, barryshotta left the game)
RANKINGS: oconnor 692.5 (+3.2), barryshotta 737.0 (-3.2)
18:54 Tue 23/04/24 (BST)
barryshotta barryshotta
barryshotta barryshotta
Arcade Snooker Ranked - barryshotta (1) 88-0 (1) oconnor (oconnor concedes)
RANKINGS: barryshotta 740.2 (+1.8), oconnor 689.3 (-1.8)
18:48 Tue 23/04/24 (BST)
oconnor oconnor
oconnor oconnor
Arcade Snooker Ranked - oconnor (1) 47-19 (0) barryshotta (barryshotta concedes)
RANKINGS: oconnor 691.1 (+3.3), barryshotta 738.4 (-3.3)
18:43 Tue 23/04/24 (BST)
barryshotta barryshotta
sebaveron sebaveron
Arcade Snooker Ranked - sebaveron (3) 64-26 (2) barryshotta
RANKINGS: sebaveron 770.2 (+2.1), barryshotta 741.7 (-2.1)
18:25 Tue 23/04/24 (BST)
barryshotta barryshotta
barryshotta barryshotta
Arcade Snooker Ranked - barryshotta (2) 69-18 (2) sebaveron
RANKINGS: barryshotta 743.8 (+3.0), sebaveron 768.1 (-3.0)
18:15 Tue 23/04/24 (BST)
sebaveron sebaveron
barryshotta barryshotta
Arcade Snooker Ranked - barryshotta (1) 51-19 (2) sebaveron
RANKINGS: barryshotta 740.8 (+3.1), sebaveron 771.1 (-3.1)
18:11 Tue 23/04/24 (BST)
sebaveron sebaveron
sebaveron sebaveron
Arcade Snooker Ranked - sebaveron (2) 47-22 (0) barryshotta (barryshotta concedes)
RANKINGS: sebaveron 774.2 (+2.0), barryshotta 737.7 (-2.0)
18:05 Tue 23/04/24 (BST)
barryshotta barryshotta
sebaveron sebaveron
Arcade Snooker Ranked - sebaveron (1) 56-20 (0) barryshotta (barryshotta concedes)
RANKINGS: sebaveron 772.2 (+2.1), barryshotta 739.7 (-2.1)
17:59 Tue 23/04/24 (BST)
barryshotta barryshotta
Killer Snooker Ranked - yogi09 wins! (1 life, potted 17 of 20, safe 4 of 15)
RANKINGS: yogi09 694.6 (+2.7), khukuri 737.8 (-4.5), barryshotta 674.2 (-3.2)
17:37 Tue 23/04/24 (BST)
barryshotta barryshotta
barryshotta barryshotta
Arcade Snooker Ranked - barryshotta (1) 87-16 (0) saunti35
RANKINGS: barryshotta 741.8 (+3.2), saunti35 782.0 (-3.2)
17:35 Tue 23/04/24 (BST)
saunti35 saunti35
barryshotta barryshotta
Arcade Snooker Ranked - barryshotta (1) 62-0 (1) oscarthecat (oscarthecat concedes)
RANKINGS: barryshotta 738.6 (+1.4), oscarthecat 649.5 (-1.4)
15:13 Tue 23/04/24 (BST)
oscarthecat oscarthecat
oscarthecat oscarthecat
Arcade Snooker Ranked - oscarthecat (1) 61-40 (0) barryshotta
RANKINGS: oscarthecat 650.9 (+3.7), barryshotta 737.2 (-3.7)
15:09 Tue 23/04/24 (BST)
barryshotta barryshotta
johnand johnand
Arcade Snooker Ranked - johnand (2) 59-14 (1) barryshotta (by default, barryshotta left the game)
RANKINGS: johnand 686.8 (+3.4), barryshotta 740.9 (-3.4)
15:04 Tue 23/04/24 (BST)
barryshotta barryshotta