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Posts: 8,033
17:59 Fri 11 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Is anyone else getting bugged by adverts throughout the forum? This is where a word is underlined and as you highlight it a mini advert pops up. From reading forums it looks like it's a problem on Firefox, IE and Opera, however the solution everyone offers is to disable javascript... Sadly you will have worked out that disabling javascript on this site will cause another fairly major issue! The only other solution offered is to use Adblock, but this is discouraged on this site as much of the revenue is generated by hosting adverts.

I'm not sure if these other adverts have to be accepted by Funky before they appear, or if Nick can do anything about them, but if many people are experiencing this then it could be an issue.

It looks like this:

Posted Image

Posts: 8,033
18:04 Fri 11 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Also, if people are getting this problem, please say if you are Premium members or not. Thanks.
Posts: 341
19:21 Fri 11 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Never experienced this on any browser actually, I have Opera, Chrome (My preferred), IE and Firefox all installed on my system, and not one of them shows these adds :S

No adblocker on at all either...
Posts: 1,920
19:31 Fri 11 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
This isn't a Funkysnooker thing. You'll have accidently downloaded adware. Try and find out what the Adware's called and Google a way of getting rid of it.
Posts: 8,033
19:37 Fri 11 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
How would I find out what it's called?
Posts: 1,920
19:40 Fri 11 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
When you hover over the word and the ad box comes up, it usually has the name of the company.
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Adverts in forum posts

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