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Anger Management - The Second Coming

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Pages: 178
Posts: 54,204
02:22 Wed 6 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Killer: AM 3-3 DM

Game 1: Me and Jay was terrible and went out pretty much the same time, Harry edged this with good play (1-2)

Game 2: I played poor at start and Ryan suffered bitterly but he tapped twice to try and lose lives from Harry, I knocked Jay out with a Roll up (almost failed but if i wanted a tie it was my only shot) and then i knocked Harry out when he was favourite to win with a couple of good safeties (rare for me) (2-1)

We all tapped at some point to take lives from the other so Seb taught us well.

Good Games Guys
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:23 Wed 6 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
He forgot to mention his rubbish tap that led to Ryan being killed as well the games were good fun though was a right laugh
Posts: 54,204
02:24 Wed 6 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Four Teams League
League Deadline: 24th July
Killer Deadline: 10th July (8 PM Default Time)

6 Frames of your type, Killer: 2 games of 2v2

Dead Meat v Anger Management
arcade: gerard_m vs thegame26
reg: immortal vs legend_pot
orig: dvz vs virtuoso147_
carom: w_hoolahan vs crazy_greg
killer: 3 vs 3

Anger Management v Heaven and Hell
arcade: dgeneratio vs mightypot000
reg: joeyy vs kilimanjaro
orig: fizstarrr vs count_raven
carom: virtuoso147_ vs sarahh
killer: 0 vs 0

Four Teams Cup
Cup Deadline: 24th July

1 Frame of Arc, Reg, Orig, Carom, Power

Back in Baulk 4 v 1 Anger Management
pilbyjoel vs joeyy
etarvt 4 vs 1 dgeneratio
m_wood vs legend_pot
jimi_clapton vs fizstarrr

Heaven and Hell v Anger Management
kilimanjaro vs legend_pot
count_raven vs dgeneratio
quickpot_147 vs crazy_greg
bigbaz199 vs virtuoso147_

Edited at 23:39 Tue 05/07/16 (BST)
Posts: 54,204
15:11 Wed 6 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  

Need info from all these by Tonight 9 pm please.

Info includes Posts, Messages etc.

Also if any Subs were made then i need info from them as well (e.g. allypunk, fizstarrr). The Players involved are the people in the match when the fixture ended.

No info is an automatic Zero points so not sending it in can have consequences for the title race.


Clan League

mightypot000 vs sarah (allypunk was involved in the fixture as well, Sarah received)
fastboysam vs intincros

Clan Cup

thegame26 vs horse10000 (Both received)

Players Championship - Round One

pilbyjoel vs buckjam (Played so no longer needed)
vixen_xox vs fizstarrr
joeyy vs daviking (Daviking posted)
horse10000 vs masterful (Horse received)

No effort is an Auto DQ
Posts: 54,204
15:16 Wed 6 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
He forgot to mention his rubbish tap that led to Ryan being killed as well the games were good fun though was a right laugh

Mouse isn't good on soft shots, Ryan knew the risks

Yeah good laugh

Greg should be back tonight, asked HH if they can do Killer on Thursday Night, If possible i would like legend_pot and crazy_greg/joeyy to play in this one so i can have a rest, will play if needed though.
Posts: 54,204
23:40 Wed 6 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
bored so went to practice pool, couldn't get in as got a bug if i log in previously during the day it may not let me on pool. so went on Snook, Smash broke failed, next visit, 145 in practice in Orig, didn't get Max as had a cannon to stay on black what failed

never had a practice max either lol

to you guys
Posts: 54,204
00:41 Thu 7 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Me vs Carsten

3-2 to Carsten

Dgen: Carom 7
Carsten: Power 106

I stole Arc after missing a plant and expected him to clear but had two slices of misfortune, Self Snook on Yellow then hit escape too hard for me to take it.

Reg i had half a chance but went into reds from blue and potted a plant but fair after Arc

Orig, we both played bad but i had one miss too many and he took, he edged the frame.

Carom, not his type and i wanted to end fast with one or two visits so Carsten didn't get bored, i got a 7 from the breakoff.

Power, Had a chance to gain the lead but rushed a red thinking it was a gimme, Carsten punished me to the point where i had to rush to try and claw back the deficit which made more mistakes.

ggs mate, not the best from either of us except Carom where i feel stronger than i have ever been and you edged nearly all the types so i'll take a 3-2 loss.
Posts: 54,204
01:10 Thu 7 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Players Championship Round Two is released and can be found here

I urge to ask Captains to post these (and Individuals) on your threads and tag your players to make them aware.

Posts: 54,204
01:11 Thu 7 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Clan League Individual Competition - 17 Players

Format: 1 of Arc, Reg, Orig, Carom, Power
Optional: Stop when someone reaches three frames

Clan League Individual Competition - Round Two
Deadline: 17th July

thegame26 vs sarahh
allypunk vs legend_pot


Players Championship - 39 Players

Format: 2 of Arc, Reg, Orig
Points: 2 per Frame, 1 per 50-99, 2 per 100+ Break

Players Championship - Round Two
Deadline: 17th July

elgoog vs legend_pot
virtuoso147_ vs fastboysam
Posts: 54,204
02:29 Fri 8 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Killer: HH 4-2 AM

Apologies to Joey, i played fairly bad in this, 1st one i was out in 5 shots, 2nd one Joey went out first which meant HH won the fixture but they took eye off the ball and 2nd 1v2 Killer i have won so not all bad but my safety was poor and also my situational awareness as at one point i could have had a safety and given Joey a black but my mind was blank and potted black myself (Newbie error).

Not sure why but i suck at Killer. One Set left before the Knockout Phase, Hoping to take a break next set
Posts: 90
02:44 Fri 8 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
dvz thriller 6niller in manilla sorry lads
Posts: 1,052
03:14 Fri 8 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
joeyy 0 vs 5 pilbyjoel

knew from first chance it wasnt going to be my day. started off with 2 good snookers but then ended up going in off after potting a red and splitting some balls so he won arcade. then reg i had first chance and split reds really nicely and didn't end up on one so he won that too (including a fluke). then on original I potted yellow and played to free the red which was next to blue and managed to pot the red in the corner...
carom i should have had comfortably but every time i shot i got a dk or missed by tiny amount...managed to get 5-1...then he got a run of 4...then I got another dk which cost a point then he gets a run of 6
power he gets first break (of course) and gets a cent, then i miss one cos im rushing to give myself a chance and he gets another cent....then another next the time i get a proper chance at the table theres only 2 mins left so knock in a cent but far too late

absolute nightmare set of games and he took full advantage
Posts: 54,204
16:18 Fri 8 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
unlucky guys, both class acts so nothing to be ashamed of
Posts: 54,204
16:20 Fri 8 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Four Teams League
League Deadline: 24th July

6 Frames of your type, Killer: 2 games of 2v2

Dead Meat 6 v 0 Anger Management
arcade: gerard_m vs thegame26
reg: immortal vs legend_pot
orig: dvz 6 vs 0 virtuoso147_
carom: w_hoolahan vs crazy_greg
killer: 3 vs 3

Anger Management v Heaven and Hell
arcade: dgeneratio vs mightypot000
reg: joeyy vs kilimanjaro
orig: fizstarrr vs count_raven
carom: virtuoso147_ vs sarahh
killer: 2 vs 4

Four Teams Cup
Cup Deadline: 24th July

1 Frame of Arc, Reg, Orig, Carom, Power

Back in Baulk 9 v 1 Anger Management
pilbyjoel 5 vs 0 joeyy
etarvt 4 vs 1 dgeneratio
m_wood vs legend_pot
jimi_clapton vs fizstarrr

Heaven and Hell 3 v 2 Anger Management
kilimanjaro vs legend_pot
count_raven 3 vs 2 dgeneratio
quickpot_147 vs crazy_greg
bigbaz199 vs virtuoso147_
Posts: 54,204
23:15 Fri 8 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
20:10 Fri 08/07/16
Carom - dgeneratio got a practice total of 59 points from 100 shots
20:03 Fri 08/07/16
Carom - dgeneratio got a practice run of 10 points

one away from 60/100 again
Posts: 660
23:48 Fri 8 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
greg 3 - 3 w_hoolahan

greg 5,5
w_hoolahan 6

first 3 were very scrappy I won the first, he just won the next 2. the next 2 frames i got runs of 5 and in the last i just had a couple of very near misses and he finished with a run of 6.
in terms of points scored I was ahead (29-24), but in terms of result its a draw, sorry
Posts: 54,204
23:51 Fri 8 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
no problem mate, my guess was 3-3 or 4-2 each way, well played
Posts: 54,204
01:00 Sat 9 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  

fastboysam (BB) 0-0 intincros (BAU)
mightypot000 (HH) 1-1 sarah (BB)

thegame26 (AM) 1-3 horse10000 (DM)

Please remember to send information by the time the runner asks or points may be reduced which happened here.

Also claimed that defaults are broken but it is only broken if players don't send info in on time. Captains can also send their own version but without messages may not have as much value.

If you know you aren't going to be around then you can send default info in early to myself or your captain but late submissions aren't accepted.


League Table


* AM and DM has played a fixture less

* Note:- Used Points Deduction feature for Remaining Frames to keep Remaining Frames Level

If you have any questions or comments about these defaults, please message me and I'll be happy to discuss/argue the decisions with you. Please keep it off the threads.

Up to date standings can be found here:
Posts: 54,204
01:05 Sat 9 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Also because this is the first fixture and people are new to defaults, I'll not add the players at fault on the defaulters list but as i posted about the procedure above, for future sets, players will be on the defaulters list if the players get less than 3 points at default from the next fixture unless the panel gives an exception..

Defaults from the previous and current seasons are counted. All defaults where a player received 2 or fewer points are included. If a player gets 3 defaults, he/she is warned. Any further defaults result in a suspension of 1 fixture set.

As their is no real previous season the defaulters list will start this season.

Posts: 660
20:11 Sat 9 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
17:11 Sat 09/07/16
Won the Arcade Marathon Tournament, winning 182 TournaPoints!

without dropping a single frame
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Anger Management - The Second Coming

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