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Top 20 Games Of All Time.

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Deleted User
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05:01 Sun 7 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Hey there, not sure if a list like this has been done before, but here goes, my favorite games of all time.
Also before anyone hates on this list, I'm only going to pick games that I've played. I was also going to do top 10. There's so many, almost impossible to narrow it down

20) Tony Hawks Pro Skater 4
19) Journey
18) Sonic The Hedgehog 2
17) Street Fighter 2
16) Dark Souls
15) Gran Turismo 5
14) Metal Gear Solid 3
13) Final Fantasy 7
12) Halo: Combat Evolved
11) Bioshock Infinite
10) Fable
9) Super Mario Galaxy
8) God of War III
7) Uncharted 2
6) Mass Effect 2
5) Persona 4: Golden
4) Resident Evil 4
3) Demon's Souls
2) Final Fantasy 6
1) Metal Gear Solid 4

Honorable mentions, Skyrim / Morrowind, Streets of Rage 2, Heavy Rain, GTA IV, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (Don't hate, that was amazing at the time), Batman: Arkham City, Okami, Pokemon.

Without going into too much detail, MGS4 is without a doubt, in my opinion of course. Thee greatest game ever made. It has it all. Great storyline, great characters, great gameplay, great graphics which to this day still look great, great nostalgia, great bosses. Loved every second of it! Also putting FF6 at No.2 instead of FF7? Well... I love 7, but Sephiroth ain't got nothing on Kefka. Best villain in a game ever made. Demon's Souls at 3... Well this game is so good it hurts, its brutal! It has a certain lore which means you can't put it down. A real sense of accomplishment which is unparalleled.

Posts: 2,232
05:06 Sun 7 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Halo is pants as is Uncharted
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
05:14 Sun 7 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Everyone has there own opinion!
Halo redifined the modern FPS. Great campaign too.
What didn't you like about Uncharted 2?
Great characters, best graphics probably ever seen on a console to date, great gameplay... humour. I really enjoyed it!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
05:34 Sun 7 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Halo is pants as is Uncharted

^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:09 Sun 7 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Seeing as we spoke about this last night....

Never had the chance to play Uncharted (damn PS3 exclusive), but Super Mario Galaxy and no 64 + no Legend of Zelda??

Just for arguments sake, here's mine,

20. Silent Hill
19. Assassin's Creed
18. Gears of War
17. Viva Pinata
16. Thief : The Dark Project
15. Halo 3
14. Grand Theft Auto : San Andreas
13. Resident Evil 4
12. Civilization V
11. Fallout 3
10. Tomb Raider (original)
9. Skyrim
8. Football Manager 2013 (Although it gets better every year)
7. FIFA 13 (Also gets better every year)
6. Bioshock
5. Far Cry 3
4. Super Mario 64
3. Crackdown
2. Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time
1. Call of Duty Modern Warfare

Some massive gaps in my library where I never played rpg's until Skyrim came along. Most of those are in there based on the amount of time I ended up investing in them...pretty much all interchangeable though
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:45 Mon 8 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Seeing as we spoke about this last night....

Never had the chance to play Uncharted (damn PS3 exclusive), but Super Mario Galaxy and no 64 + no Legend of Zelda??

Just for arguments sake, here's mine,

20. Silent Hill
19. Assassin's Creed
18. Gears of War
17. Viva Pinata
16. Thief : The Dark Project
15. Halo 3
14. Grand Theft Auto : San Andreas
13. Resident Evil 4
12. Civilization V
11. Fallout 3
10. Tomb Raider (original)
9. Skyrim
8. Football Manager 2013 (Although it gets better every year)
7. FIFA 13 (Also gets better every year)
6. Bioshock
5. Far Cry 3
4. Super Mario 64
3. Crackdown
2. Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time
1. Call of Duty Modern Warfare

Some massive gaps in my library where I never played rpg's until Skyrim came along. Most of those are in there based on the amount of time I ended up investing in them...pretty much all interchangeable though

I put Galaxy just because the gameplay is superior to be honest, and I've never played Ocarina of Time... I need to, may purchase it soon on a 3DS possibly. I have played Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword... Wasn't blown away by them, good games still. I've literally just completed Bioshock Infinite, It's so much better than 1... It's ridiculously good! Buy it now haha
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Top 20 Games Of All Time.

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