Forum Posting Rules
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All members who have completed 50 games or more are allowed to post on the forum. Please follow these rules. Any breach of the rules can lead to the post being moved or removed, loss of posting privileges, or even permanent bannings.
Please do not use language that is threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable.
Please can you respect other members. We understand people do not always get on with each other, but please can you have a certain amount of toleration to other members. If you don't agree, try not to launch an attack on them, but answer back constructively. No one wants to read through pages and pages of abuse. Please be polite and tactful, and considerate of others feelings. Do not post accusations against other members, instead use the in-game send complaint.
Do not post in ALL CAPITALS as this is considered shouting by many users.
The site language is English (other languages may be available at a later stage subject to moderating availability).
Please do not advertise illegal (warez) sites or adult sites on the forums.
You may only use the link section to promote a 3rd party site (with the exception of funky snooker based events, which may be linked on the appropriate forum)
Please follow the advice and instructions posted by admin and moderators, who are there for your safety and interests.
Do not repeat the same post data more than 1 time.
Please use the correct forum to add your comment. Incorrectly placed threads will be moved or deleted.
Please do not disclose your's or other people's private and personal information.
Posting under multiple accounts on the forum will lead to any secondary or higher usernames being banned.
Please do not post threads about wanting to become a moderator, or post this on behalf of other members. Instead see the help page.
Do not post enquiries about why you or another user were booted, score reset or banned, please check help for enquiries of this nature.
Please do not post on behalf of banned users, as you will be treated under the same rules as the banned user.
If you have a complaint about moderators, do not use the forum, please check help to find out how you should proceed.