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Month Event Wins

The previous winners of the Month Event

Pos. Name Picture Country Wins
1bomjazabomjaza Thailand 24
2rorororo unspecified 19
3buzby107buzby107 Central African Republic 3
4stephenh2014stephenh2014 Lesotho 3
5_wales_lad__wales_lad_ Wales 2
6david__gaultdavid__gault Scotland 1
7davikingdaviking unspecified 1
8garethclingarethclin Wales 1
9ghostballghostball Israel 1
10jester__v2jester__v2 United Kingdom 1
11jimi_claptonunspecified 1
12piper55Ireland 1
13pottoqunspecified 1
14radical25United Kingdom 1
15saxonunspecified 1
16_nerdzz_United Kingdom 1
This page was generated 10:27 Sat 27 Jul 24 (BST).