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Member Details
Location: Offline since
00:11 Wed 12/02/25 (GMT)
Member Since: Thu 28/04/16 (BST)2016/04/28 01:42 GMTE dd/MM/yy (z)
Forum Posts: 2
Details: Male, 70, England
About Me
Hi I am a snooker lover ive been playing for must be 60 years now. started at about 9 when my dad took me to the snooker hall. ie working mens clubs. I have really good days and really, why did I ever pick up a cue days my highest break was on the practice table I potted 12 red /blacks 96. Update just done a 98
as you can probably tell from my avatar I am a born again Christian and don't know how I would have coped with all the things that have happened to me and my family, without knowing that God was in my life .i know im not allowed to openly talk to people about my faith but if any one wants to talk about anything please pm me and we can chat privately.
Won This Week 40
Won This Month 296
All Time Points Won 32,261
Arcade Snooker Intermediate
Ranking 665.2 (2,608th)
Maximum 724.2
Wins 541 (38.5%)
Losses 865 (61.5%)
Abandoned 26 (1.8%)
Highest Break 66
Occurrences 2
Half Centuries 20
Tournament Wins 37
Micro Tourny Wins 79
Regular Snooker Intermediate
Ranking 696.4 (559th)
Maximum 770.9
Wins 2,170 (44.4%)
Losses 2,715 (55.6%)
Abandoned 94 (1.9%)
Highest Break 82
Occurrences 2
Half Centuries 74
Tournament Wins 227
Micro Tourny Wins 347
Original Snooker Intermediate
Ranking 645.6 (2,026th)
Maximum 675.0
Wins 33 (38.8%)
Losses 52 (61.2%)
Abandoned 4 (4.7%)
Highest Break 28
Tournament Wins 12
Micro Tourny Wins 5
Killer Snooker Newbie
Ranked Games 24 / 50
Ranking 669.9 (861st)
Maximum 694.6
Wins 15 (46.9%)
Losses 17 (53.1%)
Turn Success 213 of 285 (74.7%)
Safeties 52 of 197 (26.4%)
Overall 101.1%
Carom Intermediate
Ranking 601.0 (1,349th)
Maximum 675.0
Wins 3 (9.4%)
Losses 29 (90.6%)
Abandoned 5 (15.6%)
Turn Success 31 of 163 (19.0%)
Greatest Run 3
Tournament Wins 9
Power Snooker Intermediate
Ranking 665.6 (1,334th)
Maximum 685.2
Wins 86 (40.6%)
Losses 126 (59.4%)
Abandoned 18 (8.5%)
Highest Break 98
Half Centuries 52
Tournament Wins 6
Micro Tourny Wins 81
Tournament Wins 47
Micro Tourny Wins 1
Overall Intermediate
Ranking 657.3
Wins 2,833 (42.8%)
Losses 3,787 (57.2%)
Abandoned 147 (2.2%)
Tournament Wins 338
Micro Tourny Wins 513