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Leagues new idea

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Posts: 2
11:21 Tue 4 Apr 23 (BST)  [Link]  
Hi would anyone be interested in starting a league system up again. I know we have a points system but if we had a league with matches of best of 9 I think that would be interesting. And I know I would be bottom but still fun
Posts: 59
19:51 Wed 12 Apr 23 (BST)  [Link]  
I would happily participate but there's just not the numbers to get anything going these days unfortunately
Posts: 18
19:31 Thu 4 May 23 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah, I'd play, why not. I do think the same as Michael in that we just don't have the number on the site anymore. However, good luck in pulling folk in, would be fun.
Posts: 1,011
18:03 Tue 16 May 23 (BST)  [Link]  
Id love this idea , but as the guys have already said it for me the day the clan league was closed down it ruined this site. When the clan league finished everyone came off the site as no leagues anymore. Would be good to get this up and running but numbers just dont seem to be there to get this sorted.
Posts: 2,545
21:57 Thu 15 Jun 23 (BST)  [Link]  
I would be in if i could get on
Posts: 937
12:01 Fri 4 Aug 23 (BST)  [Link]  
I'd be up for it too, even something like what count_raven did with the Regular
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Leagues new idea

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