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Posts: 14
23:28 Thu 21 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
This is getting a bit ridiculous. I've just logged in and there are 47 members online. Not a bad turnout for this site. Go to the game lobby and there are EIGHTEEN arcade games currently in action and not a SINGLE OTHER GAME TYPE BEING PLAYED.

Can some of you grow a pair and the more difficult game or are you all just so skill-less that you're inable to do so?
Posts: 54,204
12:53 Fri 22 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Always the same Sam, Arcade is the easier type.

I play Reg, Orig and Carom but never see them so unless i pm a friend, i never log in as practice bores me after 10-15 mins usually.
Posts: 245
14:29 Fri 22 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Thats the thing, nobody can possibly spare more than 10-15 minutes every few days for any computer game, we all have lives after all!

Again my couple of suggestions would solve all of this. Make tournaments more regular, and auto-enter all players online.

If you add to that to make all tournaments random, then you have a much more fun and user friendly site with people enjoying all the games.
Posts: 14
00:41 Sun 24 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Thats the thing, nobody can possibly spare more than 10-15 minutes every few days for any computer game, we all have lives after all!

Again my couple of suggestions would solve all of this. Make tournaments more regular, and auto-enter all players online.

If you add to that to make all tournaments random, then you have a much more fun and user friendly site with people enjoying all the games.

You want everyone online to be auto-entered into tournaments but then profess that people only have 10-15 minutes spare to play? That's a great way to have a load of tournaments with loads of disqualifications.

Also, a game of Reg/Orig when played by half decent players takes less than 10 minutes unless you're playing stupid tappy tappy on the pack like skill-less tards

Edited at 21:51 Sat 23/04/16 (BST)
Posts: 54,204
16:50 Sun 24 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
lol yeah, wouldn't worry about him.
Posts: 6,020
12:38 Mon 25 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
lol yeah, wouldn't worry about him.

Why do you mock when someone has an idea which you might not agree with.
Posts: 54,204
16:12 Mon 25 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  

Edited at 17:11 Mon 25/04/16 (BST)
Posts: 54,204
16:19 Mon 25 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  

Edited at 17:12 Mon 25/04/16 (BST)
Posts: 245
17:02 Mon 25 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
You did reply to the thread where i was riduculed for being a woman...

But anyway, remember the person who claimed they got bored after 10-15 minutes was degeneratio, not me, as i said i have been on for an hour at times (though that is clearly over the top but once every few weeks wont hurt too much)

The problem is the lack of tournaments means *waiting* so much time. For no reason.

And as for it being illegal to enter people into tournaments :-D again, is is only the internet its not real! That would just be how it is and after a day or two nobody would notice and if you didnt like it just play on a different site.
Posts: 54,204
17:17 Mon 25 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Yep thats practice only though but managed 30 mins in Orig last night. If i play a friend, i have lasted 3 hours in friendlies. If i play in a tournament then i try and stay for the duration of the tournament.

If i log in with no one to play then i practice until i get bored, Usually 15 mins unless i'm playing well but if i record i may last 30-60 minutes trying to do challenges. Main one is pot first colour and only pot that colour so 15 reds, 15 yellows + colours for example.

Years ago i spent 12-15 hours playing funky, now its around 2-4 hours if a friend plays.

If i was forced to enter tournaments i would quit most likely unless a friend came on and declined to enter tournament.
Posts: 936
18:18 Tue 26 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Much prefer Regular & Original myself for tippy-tappy, it's part of the game so get over it!
Posts: 14
23:38 Tue 26 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
daviking How would you maintain a ranking system without taking points from the people that are disqualified for not showing to a tournament?

For the record I'm only going to take your idea on it's merits, which so far would only prove to cause more disruption to tournaments. If you can show a solution to that then fair play to you
Posts: 397
00:33 Wed 27 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I only play original. It sort of reminds me of all call of duty games, where the majority of online players play team death match, my least favourite game mode .

Anyone who thinks changes will ever get made to the site are deluded so there's no point in trying to come up with ideas. The only thing that can change is the players, in terms of the amount coming on to play the site, and everyone's interests in different game modes. Arcade seems to be the 'team deathmatch' of this site, so be it. I'll just always play anyone at original if there's a game up, or I'll create a game myself and I'll play anyone of any rank.
Posts: 14
22:24 Wed 27 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Much prefer Regular & Original myself for tippy-tappy, it's part of the game so get over it!

tippy tappy isn't really a part of the game though is it because in real life you wouldn't get away with it like you do here because of touching ball rule which doesn't take effect on this game...
Posts: 54,204
23:44 Wed 27 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
and the push shot
Posts: 397
03:10 Thu 28 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I think maybe what he meant was tippy tappy is part of the computer game that we play on funkysnooker. In real snooker its not so much, for these sorts of reasons such as touching ball, the ability levels, the risk of leaving the white in the baulk without leaving a long red on which may be near impossible in real life but is a breeze on here...

But on this site you'll come up against boring players who'll just keeping tapping and literally not develop the balls at all so its you who has to do the work. I often wonder what it'd look like if 2 players like this came up against each other...if one of them would eventually cave, or if not then the frame could last over an hour lol.
Posts: 936
15:26 Thu 28 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Much prefer Regular & Original myself for tippy-tappy, it's part of the game so get over it!

tippy tappy isn't really a part of the game though is it because in real life you wouldn't get away with it like you do here because of touching ball rule which doesn't take effect on this game...

Granted touching ball doesn't come in to play, but then you don't need to nominate a colour, or the amount of spin you can put on a white ball tight to the cushion. We could pick holes in things all we like yet if you want to play a game, you cannot dictate how your opponent chooses to play.
Posts: 54,204
16:32 Thu 28 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I think maybe what he meant was tippy tappy is part of the computer game that we play on funkysnooker. In real snooker its not so much, for these sorts of reasons such as touching ball, the ability levels, the risk of leaving the white in the baulk without leaving a long red on which may be near impossible in real life but is a breeze on here...

Thats an idea i had ages ago, if the white is on a cushion or more than half the table length away the cursor goes bigger or smaller depending on which is more difficult then players can play in baulk knowing opponent has a tough pot on and would get maybe 4/10 or something.

Way cursor is now, you can play long yellows from black spot area, you can pot long ones from cushions, you can pot from baulk. All are possible in real game but on here it is like taking candy from a baby.

Make cursor harder at long ranges and people may tap less.

Won't happen of course but be nice.
Posts: 54,204
16:36 Thu 28 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I only play original. It sort of reminds me of all call of duty games, where the majority of online players play team death match, my least favourite game mode .

Nice comparison and its the same, i play harder modes such as Search and Destroy (Tanks is similar but can bounce shots) rather than Team Deathmatch.

I did play Infected for fun though
Posts: 54,204
17:37 Thu 28 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
just not as hard as Dark Souls mind, didn't even get past 1st dragon haha
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